Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Perfect Smile Contest winners at Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics!

The votes are in, and our winners of the Perfect Smile Contest at Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics have been notified. Our Big celebration party is this Saturday, Jan. 30. We will have cameras rolling and will post videos of the party, so be sure to come back and see the celebration. The winners of our Perfect Smile Contest will be heading to their professional photo shoot at the end of February, Where Bob and Stevie at Grand Lubell Photography will make all our Perfect Smile winners look like stars.

Our team will be posting all our winners on our web site soon after! Stay tuned and enjoy the rest of your week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What are patients saying about Sylvania and Lambertville Orthodontics?

Last week, we asked you, our fantastic patients, what you most liked about Sylvania and Lambertville Orthodontics. Well, we received some pretty great reviews, and thought we’d share a few with you today. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office! Drs. Haerian, Ludwig and Simon enjoy getting patient testimonials and would absolutely love to hear from you!

"I like the fact that everyone there is very nice and they do whatever they can to make the patient comfortable." ~ Susan L.

"Very nice and friendly staff. Easy scheduling and billing. Great environment." ~ Karima K.

"As her parents, we appreciate that EVERYONE speaks TO Marissa instead of about her. Her inclusion in her progress is a great help." ~ Michelle B.

"First impressions were great. Everyone was so helpful and kind in the office. I liked how the doctor talked specifically to Drew to make him feel really involved in his treatment." ~ Jeff H.

"They are all nice to our family, and that is very important. We enjoy going to Sylvania Orthodontics." ~ Luis G.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What do you love about Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics?

From the very first time you visit Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics our doctors and team strive to provide superior treatment in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. We thought we’d ask you, our wonderful patients: Have you been especially impressed by Drs. Simon, Haerian or Ludwig? Did our team go out of their way to make your day? Do you love your new smile?

Whether you’ve just come in for a consultation or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback on our networks. Or, you can tell us by giving us a call!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ask Drs. Haerian, Ludwig and Simon: Is Invisalign® really customized for each patient?

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work, our doctors say. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing we do is to take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final, perfectly aligned position. And since the aligners are virtually invisible, nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Drs. Simon, Haerian and Ludwig are some of the most experienced certified Invisalign® providers in Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment at Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics, please don't hesitate to give us a call.