Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics T-Shirt Design Contest

We announced our video contest last week, but it is not the only way you can earn some truly awesome prizes here at Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics!

We know we have many creative patients in our office, and now we want to put those talents to good use! It's time to come up with a new slogan/design for our official t-shirts, and we are asking you to create us a winner!

Just lay out your idea on the entry form and give it to one of our front desk staff or mail it in by June 1st. We'll post the best submissions at both of our offices and also on our web site and social networks. Patients will then be asked to vote for his or her personal favorite. The entry that receives the most votes will become our official new t-shirt. Imagine how cool it would be see your creative idea "on display" on all our new patients!

So far, we've used "Tough Guys Wear Braces", "Heavy Metal", "Bling", "Bling-Bling", and "Got Smile?". Come up with a catchy slogan and design along with the names of Drs. Simon, Haerian & Ludwig to catch yourself a great prize AND celebrity status as a dynamite designer!

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