Saturday, October 23, 2010

CJ's New Smile to Last a Lifetime

C. J. is down to just wearing an invisible retainer to maintain his beautiful smile and was nice enough to share some of his thoughts on his orthodontic experience. One of the first things to come up was that the assistants and the scheduling coordinators were really nice. He also said he liked the fact that at one of his last appointments before getting his braces off, the doctor had said “his teeth looked good but we want perfect.” Instead of being bummed about not getting his braces off asap, C. J. felt good knowing that when they did, the best possible result had been achieved.

C. J.’s mom confirmed that the time and the money invested in his smile was worth it, too. She said C. J. had friends whose orthodontic treatment was a little less but that the results were noticeably less, too. Both C. J. and mom are happy to know their orthodontic investment is one that can last a lifetime!

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