Thursday, November 4, 2010

Incentives for Oral Health in Sylvania, Lambertville and Fallen Timbers

Having braces, a palate expander, or a MARA requires even more time in the bathroom and diligence with a toothbrush. At every appointment, we monitor oral hygiene and award a wooden token for good brushing. Patients can also receive a token for not missing appointments, not breaking anything on their braces, and for wearing their official Drs. Simon, Haerian & Ludwig t-shirt to their appointment. Although missing appointments and frequent breakage are what slows down orthodontic treatment; it’s poor oral hygiene that can literally stop it in its tracks.

We constantly encourage brushing by awarding a wooden token and making sure they know exactly how to brush under and on top of each bracket to keep it shiny and free of sticky plaque. The wooden tokens can be exchanged for something fun in our Prize Case or saved up for gift cards to Target. Assistants that notice exceptional brushing give that patient a special entry form to fill out so they can also enter The Good Brusher’s Contest.

Braces are essential for straightening teeth but it’s good brushing that’s essential for keeping teeth healthy! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call!

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