Wednesday, December 22, 2010

January Special at Sylvania, Lambertville, & Fallen Timbers Orthodontics

Let’s face it- when was the last time you managed to keep a New Year’s resolution? We at Sylvania, Lambertville, & Fallen Timbers Orthodontics believe the key to sticking to a goal is picking one that is both reasonable and attainable. If you haven’t yet picked a New Year’s resolution, consider setting one that will improve your oral health!

To help you get motivated this January, our offices we will be offering a special for anyone starting a new full orthodontic treatment (some restrictions apply). If you begin treatment in January you will receive an iPod Touch or $250 off. We offer various treatment options including: Traditional Braces, Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, and iBraces.

Please feel free to give one of our offices a call if have additional questions about starting orthodontic treatment.

Happy Holidays!
- Drs. Haerian, Ludwig, Simon, and Team

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