Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sylvania, Lambertville Orthodontics - Correcting an Open Bite

Straightening teeth and aligning jaws defines what orthodontics achieves. But Sylvania & Lambertville Orthodontics believes a good orthodontist needs to always keep their eyes open for any health issue that could affect the teeth and jaws. For example, dark circles under the eyes and nasal congestion might indicate an allergy or sinus problem, it could also indicate enlarged tonsils or adenoids, which would makes difficult to get the proper amount of sleep. One of the first things our doctors will ask if they see these signs are: “Do you have trouble breathing through your nose?” Children who can’t breathe adequately through their nose compensate by breathing through their mouth which can cause the lower jaw to fall forward. This posture can affect jaw and tooth position. Many times before starting orthodontic treatment, a patient will be referred to an ENT to assess whether tonsils or adenoids need to be removed. In some cases, a palate expander can help open the airway, too.

For our patient Haylee, a prescription spray took care of the nasal swelling and then we corrected her Class III open bite that had developed because of airway issues. Correcting an open bite is one of the more difficult orthodontic problems to correct, but Haylee was very diligent wearing the prescribed elastics necessary for correction. She now owns a beautiful smile – well, actually her mom says she owns it! She said orthodontic treatment is an expensive investment and she expects Haylee to do her part by taking care of her invisible retainer and being a good brusher and flosser. Mom loves the fact that she gets a dividend on her investment every time Haylee smiles.

If you find yourself with any of these symptoms, please give our office a call to schedule an appointment with Dr. André Haerian, Dr. Jennifer R. Ludwig, or Dr. Eugene S. Simon.

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