Monday, March 21, 2011

A Beauty AND a Beast!

Sophia, a patient of Drs. Simon, Haerian, & Ludwig, recently turned in an outstanding performance in Bedford High School's production of Beauty and the Beast. She really stood out because of her height and the gigantic hat she wore as she sang a solo in the opening act! Plus, she was finally brace-less and was able to show off her perfect smile in style.

She performs just as beautifully on the court as she does on the stage. Volleyball is her game and she excels at being "a beast" as she uses her height to the full advantage to spike the ball. Sophia's smile has always been a memorable one since she even scored the team award of "best smile" while still in braces.

It's awesome to have a patient who is able to shine in such diverse ways and even more awesome to know we helped create that winning smile!

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