Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother and Son receive Orthodontic Treatment with Drs. Simon, Haerian, and Ludwig

In 2007, Kelly’s son, Sebastien, had orthodontic treatment at the office of Drs. Simon, Haerian, & Ludwig so he was of course an expert when his mother decided it was time for her to “straighten up, too.” Kelly had put off her own need for treatment until Sebastien was finished. Her dentist, Dr. Hires, kept urging her to pursue orthodontic treatment because the position of her teeth made flossing extremely difficult.

Sebastien was excellent at following our instructions and understood the importance of wearing elastics to align the posterior teeth. Kelly, however, was not as diligent and that extended her total treatment time. It wasn’t until she followed Sebastien’s advice that her bite was lined up enough to get her braces off, too.

The braces are off and now Kelly’s teeth are not only easy to brush and floss; they also look awesome. When correcting crooked teeth and misaligned jaws, the “side effect” just happens to be a very nice one -- a beautiful smile!

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