Thursday, September 1, 2011

Colten is welcomed into our "Ortho Family"

Colten is one of many children these days that are emotionally sensitive and socially delayed. Doctor visits can be very trying for both him, the doctor, and of course mom! Mom asked that Dr. Jennifer Ludwig do his initial consult because he is less fearful of women. Things went very smoothly because Dr. Ludwig just happens to have a very pleasant, soothing type of personality.

On a subsequent recheck, however, Dr. Ludwig was not available and instead Dr. Haerian came into the room. Dr. Haerian is the direct opposite of Dr. Ludwig. A naturally high energy personality with a great sense of humor, he tends to dominate a space. When he found out that Colten was 11, he patted him on the shoulder and reassured him that he had been 11 once, too. After he had examined his teeth, he explained to mom and Colten what he was checking and why he was waiting before taking action. After Dr. Haerian left the room, Anja, the orthodontic assistant, reiterated what was happening until she was satisfied that Colten was up to speed, too.

Mom told me that after this visit, Colten commented with delight on Dr. Haerian’s bright pink shirt with his name on it and how he must have liked him because he had patted his shoulder. She was happy that Colten felt so comfortable in our office, and we’re just as happy, because having kids feel a part of our “ortho family” is something we all can appreciate.

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