Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Side Effects of Orthodontic Treatment

When an adult decides to have orthodontic treatment there is usually more to the story than the desire to have straight teeth. In Pamela’s case, it was medically necessary to provide a functional bite. She had undergone orthognathic surgery ten years prior to address the problem but now she could not chew on the left side because the teeth no longer touched.

After her initial exam, our doctors met with Dr. Lark, her dentist, to discuss possible ways to correct her occlusion. Since getting the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) in a comfortable position was crucial to the case, it was imperative that Pamela, her husband, her orthodontists, and her dentist who specializes in TMJ treatment be all on the same page. Our orthodontists worked closely with Dr. Lark to achieve the best occlusion possible for Pam. She wore upper and lower braces for three years as we re-evaluated and repositioned brackets for two years until everyone concerned with her case was satisfied with the result.

Pam’s teeth now come together in a comfortable occlusion on both sides. She can once again chew her food easily and effortlessly. And she is quite pleased with the known side effects of the orthodontic treatment she experienced – a perfect smile!

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