Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Open Bite? Case Closed!

Jacob started treatment at the orthodontic office of Drs. Simon, Haerian, and Ludwig when he was 15 years old. He had a Class III Open Bite and needed a palate expander to widen the upper palate and also a face mask to bring it forward. Because he was nearing the completion of growth, we weren’t sure if orthodontic treatment alone would get the job done. If it didn’t, the only other option to get his jaws into a Class I occlusion would be jaw surgery after he was done growing.

Jacob was 100% on board with his treatment plan and faithfully wore his face mask at night and turned the screw mechanism on his palate expander until it was the correct width. When it came time to “fine tune” his occlusion by wearing elastic bands, he never forgot to put them on the upper and lower hooks of his braces. His diligence paid off and he finished one month early AND had his braces removed in time to show off his perfect smile for his senior pictures!

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